The Changelog
This is The Garden's Changelog
Here you can see a catalogue of all the changes that were recently made to the Garden's content. What changed in the site's design, which new pages were created, what notes that were recently written, and everything else. If you have visited the Garden before, this is a place where you can see what recently blossomed since your previous visit. If you'd like to return, consider adding the site to your bookmarks.

Recently Blossomed
10.01.25 ・ It's the start of a New Year and the first anniversary of Florrie's Garden! I want to thank everyone who visited, linked back, asked questions and interacted with this website. You really made this little space a huge source of comfort for me. Thank you. This month, I debuted the redesigned version of The Notebook with an essay about inner narratives — it's my favourite thing that I've written here so far.
30.12.24 ・ Made some invisible changes to the garden's source code, making the CSS slightly lighter. Updated the I am Currently section to reflect the beginning of a new year. And, most importantly, I redesigned the Notebook page. The older entries were archived, leaving space for newer ones to blossom.
20.11.24 ・ Created a new Guestbook for the Garden. Updated the I am Currently section to reflect my activities for the end-of-the-year period. Goodness, how time flies. I also answered a couple of questions on the Questions & Answers page. I apologise for my tardiness. This garden is quite a slow-growing one.
18.02.24 ・ The garden is now a part of the Rabbit-Hearted and the Aromatic web cliques. For my rabbit self, I chose a Blanc de Hotot to represent me because they are sweet and have french origins, just like me. As for this website's aroma, I think a Hyacinth Blossom suits it well because they are light and romantic.
13.02.24 ・ Made some minor changes to the garden's design, removing a few images and making the content just slightly more text-based. I also created a new page called Questions and Answers, where you can send me any questions. I'm very excited about keeping that one updated as questions arrive with time.
01.01.24 ・ Florrie's Garden has found a new home on ichi city! Whether you came from the old blog, my Listography, or if you are a new friend, I hope that you feel very welcome in this space. I am so grateful to have a little spot to share some of my thoughts again, and I also thank you very much for being a visitor.
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