In a quiet heart once did reside
A garden beating, its beauty tied
To blossoms exuding a fragrant grace
Yearning for melodies to embrace
With eyes aglow as autumn's ember
See blooms reaching for the sky's tender
In life's embrace and meadows wide
Patience becomes the garden's guide

Some near and far-away blossoms

Thank you for coming! If you enjoyed your visit to Florrie's Garden and are now ready to explore other paths on the web, allow me to lead you towards a few of my personal favourite websites. These other web homes have all brought me inspiration in one way or another, and hopefully they will do the same for you.

If you are the owner of your own garden, blog or website and would like to add a link to Florrie's Garden there, I prepared this for you. All you need to do is copy and paste the text inside this box, and this button with my website's logo will appear. If you can save the image on your computer and upload it on your own server for the link, that would be even better. Please leave me a message on my guestbook if you do, so that I can retribute you and add your website here too. It will look wonderful on the neighbours section!


Neighbours of the garden

These are the lovely people who have added a link to Florrie's Garden in their own personal websites, and now I am adding a link to theirs here, therefore making us internet neighbours. How wonderful is that?

Seafare: Jamie's serene and refreshing sea-themed website where they share all the things they love
Sentimental Futurist: Silvia's beautiful personal website where you can find all her internet projects
Catso: Clover's cosy internet home, a perfect combination of old web aesthetics with personality
Firozah: A cute animal crossing inspired site where Firozah writes her blog and explores her interests

Other personal favourites

Zucchini: A charmingly cosy home on the web dedicated to sharing hobbies, pretty crafts, and stories
Jasmine's Journal: A beautifully designed digital home with journal entries and helpful web resources
Museum of Alexandra: One of the first small-web sites I found, which inspired me to create my own
Sniffle Bear: A personal website that looks as soft as a teddy bear and as sweet as blueberry muffins
Mei's Room: A pink coloured website filled with diary entries, personal treasures and pretty collections
Rini: The blog of someone who shares my deep love for classical music and appreciation for orchestras
Stillness Digital: A minimalist journal that reminds to not overdo things and focus on the experiences
Forever Liketh: When I think about what the perfect digital garden should look like, I picture this site
Maple Bear: A website so cosy and comforting that it looks like it was handsewn by a loving grandma
Aegi's Cafe: A charming virtual café with doors that also lead you to a beautiful little digital garden
Jessica Journals: A personal website dedicated to charming journal entries and sharing fun interests
Bear's Room: An endearing personal website that reminds you of playing in your childhood bedroom

Digital gardening to flourish the web

The word for web is forest: Understanding the web as a forest and each site as a living organism inside
Tending to our collective multiplicity: The digital garden as a place where nature and technology meet
The qualities of a digital garden: Learn about what defines a digital garden before you tend to your own
Tend to your digital gardens: Observing the potential of the digital garden as a tool for communal care
How to set up your own digital garden: Your first steps are learning where and how to plant your own

Communities, webrings and webcliques

Women of the Internet: A webring that allows you to visit other websites lovingly made by women
Aromatic: A clique where people attribute a particular aroma to their website. Mine smells of hyacinths
Rabbit-hearted: A clique for people who have a bunny-like heart. I feel like mine is a Blanc de Hotot